Rolande invited us to visit her home which amazingly enough was just a few minutes up the road from where we were staying! How good is God for that to happen! We had no idea when we booked this trip where the Thirst No More house was located.
After an awesome time of worship, Haitian style, with those currently living in her home and several other invited guests we prayed and heard testimonies giving glory to God. A formerly wealthy family of six who were staying in the house had lost everything but their lives in the January 12th earthquake. The parents and 12 year-old daughter testified to God’s goodness toward them as they recounted their stories of the horrific day. Their testimonies echoed many others that we heard throughout the week. Even though they had nothing of material value left they praised God over and over. Many tears were shed that morning but there was also great rejoicing! We concluded our worship by sharing a huge, delicious Haitian meal cooked by Rolande’s friends living in her house.
After lunch we drove to the airport through an area of great devastation. Life was continuing amidst buildings that once stood three stories now as flat as pancakes. We saw many unusual sites like UN tanks and troops, street demonstrations closing roads and causing detours, upcoming election hoopla, and tent after tent on any flat piece of ground.
We made it home safely, our minds full of many things we will need to ponder in our hearts for some time to fully appreciate. Thank you for following our journey and blessing us with your prayers.
Please continue to pray that the resurrection power of the Lord Almighty will be manifest in the Haitian believers and they will rebuild their country to the glory of God! Amen.
Today, I, Jean Dorisca, had the opportunity to go to my hometown to bless my family and friends with all kinds of donations received from neighbors, my church and my fellow disciples from Richmond, Virginia. The name of our Lord was glorified through the joy and the elation that I observed on the faces of my cousin, his children, and my stepfather and his children. I gave away my laptop and my camera, and was thus unable to take pictures of the desolation and the destruction that I saw. Television cannot truly do justice to the devastation that ravaged the town of Leogane where my cousin lives. He lives in a tent. The inside temperature was about 125 degrees, and yet they keep trusting in the goodness of the Lord to provide.
After spending the morning at the Presidential Palace, we left and travelled to a school that Rolande supports. The school was wonderful. When we arrived, the children sang us a song of welcome and prayed over us. We prayed over them as well and handed out tons of stickers. The kids loved all the colorful stickers places on their shirts, hands, arms, and foreheads. We also gave them kites, Frisbees, and balls. Playing with the children was another highlight of the day!
This mission has been an amazing experience. God has revealed His glory in us and through us this week. We have made some great relationships and met some wonderful people with incredible hearts for the Lord.
Thank you for your prayers. You have been a very significant part of this mission. Please keep praying. We are scheduled to arrive in Houston at midnight Saturday. Check back later because we are posting more photos!
Thursday Aug 5th
Haiti is a beautiful country. The views of the lush greenery and the mountains are breathtaking. We have spent a lot of time in the mountains as our guesthouse and orphanages are there. When we go down to the tent cities the heat is much greater, and it is almost unbearable inside the tents.
Rolande, Cathy, Norlande, and Kelley went to a “Tent City” that is set up on a golf course/country club owned by Sean Penn and taken over by the government after the earthquake. Tonya, Russ, Sage, Greg and Jean drove quite some distance to build a pre-fab home provided by Samaritan’s Purse for a woman with 7 children. Three 12ft bunks will hold the family of 9. The construction team visited a wonderful orphanage for lunch. It was a real encouragement to see an orphanage running well. Greg, Sage, Jean and Russ had not had an opportunity to interact with orphans until today. Amanda and the medical team visited three orphanages today to de-worm kids. Last night we had an answer to prayer when the med team was able to find 4000 of the necessary de-worming pills and the doctor was able to procure them for free! Praise God for His incredible blessing.
We’ve enjoyed working with 2 other teams from Virginia and Arkansas. The Virginia team has a caterer on their team so we’ve been eating some delicious food.
There is a Haitian cook here and she’s been learning to cook American favorites like chicken & stuffing, chili, and Sloppy Joes. Tonight we had grilled chicken with grilled pineapple. We’ve been eating interesting fruit like Haitian apricots, mangos, cinnamon apples, and quenepe.
Thanks for praying for us. We feel your prayers and feel in perfect peace here. None of us have ever felt unsafe. We are all well, no sickness!!
Looking forward to what God has for us tomorrow!
Cathy and Tonya for the team.
Today was the first time we actually got to do some work. Cathy, Tonya and Norlande went to an orphanage, where we got a chance to bathe, clothe and feed children from ages from two to thirteen. We played with them and got a chance to see how they live. Seeing these children, how they reacted and connected with each other brought an amazing sensation of joy in our hearts. They shared whatever item they had with one another. For example, a little boy who had just come home from school, even in his hunger, shared his sandwich with the younger kids who had already eaten but were still hungry for more. It was priceless. The house where they live in was poorly managed. There were two bedrooms and it seemed like the children all slept in these rooms. Which didn’t look like there was enough room to sleep, more the less, breathe. We were told that the adults taking care of them slept in a corner somewhere or on the couch. There was no food whatsoever in the fridge. So, our main concern, Cathy, Tonya and I, was if the children would be provided dinner. Just watching these children and how they were excited to see us, looking at the way they lived made us wonder. How were they treating them when we weren’t around? Two of the workers who had children there were practically begging us to adopt their children. They were telling us how the manager wasn’t doing anything to make their lives and the children’s easier. They hadn’t been paid and it was for the children’s sake that they were still there. We were doubtful of his common sense and how much he really cared about these children. Visiting the orphanage was an amazing and blessed experience, which I am positive we will never forget. We of course hope to see them again tomorrow and are above all keeping them in our prayers.
By Norlande for Team Haiti