Our teams split up again and went on three separate ways. Our construction team went up the beautiful country mountain to finish building a home for a family whose house had crumbled in the earthquake. We got the job completed fairly quickly. Russ and Sage finished putting wood on the tops of the walls, while Jean leveled the ground for the cement that was about to be poured. Meanwhile Greg built two doors for the house. After pouring the cement, it was early afternoon with plenty of time to minister to the families and the kids gathered around us, just watching us build, like it was TV. One of our hard working team members looked up from cutting wood. He hadn’t really noticed the crowd starting to form, his face in awe, he said, “I feel like I’m working in a stadium.” Jean gave an incredible French sermon to the growing crowd, while a translator translated to us in English. Jean truly touched the lives of everyone there including his team members. He gave a great message about Jesus, working hard, and told the kids how important it is for them to keep going to school. Jean prayed and blessed the house that we built. He also prayed for the six people that are going to be living in this 14 by 9ft house. The husband and wife were so incredibly appreciative. Tears were welling up in the husband’s eyes and rolling down his cheeks as they thanked us over and over. They blessed our lives.

We knew there was a great demand for shoes, so in the morning we packed all the shoes we had and gave them out. They were so thankful and didn’t care what size they were. Too small wasn’t a problem for them. There was one guy that had been working very hard with us for two days, and he was just a neighbor to this house. All this giving man had was a pair of old flip-flops that were falling apart. He asked if we had any his size. He told us he was a ten and a half. Looking around discouraged, we were about to break the bad news that we did not have any, but then all of a sudden Russ said, “There’s a reason I’m wearing a ten and a half right now.” And he took the shoes off his feet and handed them to this hard working incredibly grateful Haitian man. We are all so truly blessed to have been there today, God really was working though each one of us for his glory.
Kelley, Norlande, and Rolande were part of the orphan care and street ministry team led by Bob Sjogren. They started off the day in the tent cities where they got to visit with people and talk about Christ. The tent cities are just like they sound: thousands of people are living in cramped quarters with deep drainage ditches running all throughout. There were long lines to pump water into old jugs. Many people were interested in sharing their faith and we used small handouts to discuss the question “Who is in the driver seat of your life?” (Jim Leggett would have been so proud of us!) Though the diagram was in English, the Haitian people really enjoyed this discussion; many confessed that though they believed in Jesus, they had not given Him full control. What a joy to be sharing Christ with brothers and sisters in a different language and nation!

Then the team spent the afternoon at the In God We Trust orphanage, where they fed the kids homemade spaghetti and sang songs. At the orphanage, Rolande had the opportunity to give a children’s Bible lesson in Creole; it was special to see someone from America speaking their language.

Cathy, Tonya, and Amanda went out with the medical team today. During the morning, they visited two different orphanages where the doctor followed up on children they had seen earlier in the week. It’s hard to even express the feelings of hopelessness that we all experienced. The children are in this environment that lacks any hygiene, sanitation, nutrition, or signs of future improvement. Many of their caretakers seemed uninterested in loving and caring for the children. We are still learning to trust God for these children. But we have hope. There is always hope with God. Lord send help.
Our afternoon was spent near a small tent city running our clinic. First, we welcomed the patients and assessed their needs. They then saw the doctor and proceeded to our makeshift pharmacy to receive our medications. After that, we prayed over them with a translator. It was amazing that every person would stay and wait for the prayer even if there was a long line. Glory to God.
Thank you for continuing to pray. We are so comforted by your prayers.
Tonya and Amanda for the team!
What a glorious day you all had! I was so moved to read that my husband Russ gave the shoes off his feet and one day the LORD will thank him by saying "I WAS HUNGRY AND YOU GAVE ME SOMETHING TO EAT, I WAS THIRSTY AND YOU GAVE ME SOMETHING TO DRINK, I NEEDED CLOTHES AND YOU CLOTHED ME!" and then the LORD will say, "I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, WHATEVER YOU DID FOR ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE BROTHERS OF MINE, YOU DID FOR ME." Matthew 25:35-40 We give all the glory to GOD!
ReplyDeleteGO SAGEiy GIRL.. you rock ..!!!! Love you spirit for those in need Sage.!! <>< give KKERR a hug from me ok!!
ReplyDeleteThank all of you for taking the time to share your journey with us at home. God is using your lives to minister in Haiti and in Katy at the same time!! Giving God the glory, Dan & Julia